Sunday, 31 October 2010

No! I want to keep them in there...

No! I want to keep them in there, so I can find out who they are...
Oh, this is a complicated one to explain... Poppy woke up this morning, stating that she'd "had dreams with doctors in it"... ("they are real people in my dreams")... so we said "you just tell those doctors to get out of your dream, you're the boss of them!"... she drops this doozie... Apparently, "when she's five, or more, she'll tell them to go, once she knows who and what they are up to".

I'd like to say I make these up... but, Gabi can confirm our breakfast chat here...

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Oooh, that's a scary...

Oooh, that's a scary bridge to cross!
Bit of a metaphor today... We've been in Elgin, visiting my Gran ("supergran" for Poppy) - she's sadly fallen and bust her hip. We then visited Lossie, and went to the east beach with Poppy, she loves the beach... it's a crisp, cold but oh so bright and clear day, surfers surfing, walkers walking, lovely... we pick up sticks, we find treasure (and bury it again)... to get to this spot, takes a difficult journey...

Friday, 29 October 2010

Seems the world kicks art in the nuts...

Seems the world kicks art in the nuts, when the need it the most
Just found out today that the fantastic "Roxy Art House" in Edinburgh closed its doors after only 10 months... a little cultural cog in a big machine that's been "expended" due to ... once again... bloody money. When "money" is being cut left right and centre, from the people that need financial "assistance" the most, we watch and stand agog, as banks get millions (billions?) in bailouts, phone companies get let of with billion pound tax bills... apparently "we need these institutions to retain and generate wealth in the UK"... how does that work? they take all the money, find clever ways of not paying tax, charge us through the nose... What would it be like in a country that didn't think money was the most important thing to strive for in life? I've been chatting with a friend whom has just come back from West Africa, she met heaps of "poor" locals but were entirely happy with their lives, perhaps we all just need a little bit of sun, some white sands and delicious local, fresh food to keep us "happy" ? (Keep dreaming? I will, thanks).

Thursday, 28 October 2010

It looks like...

It looks like we've just stepped out of the salon!
how many people say that when they actually do leave the hair dressers? Ok, don't answer that.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

They can't really...

They can't really mess it up... can they?
Intrepidation, pre-godflesh gig in the Arches, Glasgow with Sinky & McAulay... we're all thinking "we can't be disappointed by this, can we?" "there's no drum kit on stage..." sinky points out... and finally, just Benny & Justin appear... looks like it's going to be "the classics". and oh yes, we were not disappointed in the slightest! Opening tune? Rats! AMAZING. Christbait next AMAZING. Streetcleaner AMAZING. Avalanche master song (if i remember)... veins ? pure... oh, it all becomes a blur, but what a fantastic set - old school, simple, clear and loud... just bloody fantastic. Big thanks to McAulay for coming with me! I hope his hearing recovers.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Are you really going to see a band tomorrow?..

Are you really going to see a band tomorrow? Can I come with you?
yes indeed! we (Mark McAulay and I) are going to see GODFLESH tomorrow in Glasgow, first time for me (I've only waited 19 years for the privilege! (thanks to Andy Hamilton giving me a shot of streetcleaner all those years ago!)) I wonder if he will be there... and would I recognise him?! anyway, Poppy... no, it's too far away, you'd be asleep by the time we'd got to Glasgow... mind you, "veins" might wake you up....

Monday, 25 October 2010

I think that's called a...

I think that's called a Breathle?
Tonight, no snuffles... there's an X on that again... no! I'm allowed to breathe snuffle (?!) on Poppy's cheeks tonight!

Check that face out.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

You CAN eat Ice cream...

You CAN eat Ice cream in October, in Aberdeen!
We had a delightful surprise phone call, and subsequent meeting with Rich & Kel from Australia, over to see his niece & nephew he's never seen thus far... they've been based in Inverness, and are leaving for London tomorrow - so today was the only chance to see them. Hooked up in the Lemon Tree for a spot of Lunch and Jazz, such a beautiful day, blue skies with billowing white (snow?!) clouds... Perfect for an ice cream at the beach! (It is a barmy 6 degrees!)... nope, if you live in Melbourne, that might as well be Kelvin! he he. We sadly say good buy, after only 3 hours... but it was lovely to catch up in person, safe journey R&K!

Saturday, 23 October 2010

I'm wrapping her up...

I'm wrapping her up like a sausage roll!
We're at Claypots again today, you know, like every weekend (so it feels)... We're working away, and suddenly there's two faces appear at the window! It's George and Melissa (Our Neighbour and his daughter), Poppy is so happy! someone to play with at Claypots! A first! We show Dod around, and head upstairs, only to find Poppy wrapping Melissa up in blankets... I didn't know this was Bate's Motel meets Balamory!

Friday, 22 October 2010

Aunty Chloe, can you read....

Aunty Chloe, can you read some Charlie and the Chocolate factory with us?
Chloe's up for a wee break, Poppy is very excited. An afternoon of swapping sylvanian families stories and other toys pulled from the loft. We make three delicious pizzas, and end up reading Poppy two chapters (the chewing gum section!)... Chloe dips her toes into reading kids books aloud... to an intent and intense listening Poppy... We think she did well!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Put Pigface on!

Put Pigface on so we can have a mosh mosh!
Poppy whispered "I'm still alive" yesterday (for some odd reason)... and this reminded me of a Pigface song - so I dug out the CD and listened to it in the car, Poppy said "what does pigface sound like?" (seeing as she wasn't in the car with me)... "oh, it's mosh music"...

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Ooh! It's snowing...

Ooh! It's snowing, that means it's Christmas!
Hold on! hold on! where did you get that from Popps?! Ah, all the books about Christmas, all the cartoons, all the films... I see your logic... no, santa is just sending a quick "snow test", and cooling the place down, in order for the REAL SNOW to stick around for ages, like last time... mwooo ha h ah a ha h ha ha ha

here's the lecht's webcam - on the 20th of October 2010 - it's fantastically white...

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Oh, I do look...

Oh, I do look like a bzz bzz stranger
We've got snow, hail and driving cold today... so lets get preped for winter! Gloves - Check! Hat - check! Odd Bollee goggles from the sprite advert oh so many years ago - check!

Monday, 18 October 2010

I can eat my peas...

I can eat my peas faster than ... Omnnom nah yum scoff ...
it's not good to race your food, but it is fun to get a kid to eat their peas by challenging them to see who can eat a spoonfull fastest, and go slow on purpose ... Hehe

Sunday, 17 October 2010

oh, Daddy, you have...

oh, Daddy, you have hairs up your nose
"yes, old mannies get them up there"..."oh, can I pull them out?". Silence.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

do you want some moondrills...

do you want some moondrills and moonslices with mooncheese?
POppy loves mushrooms (uncooked), but has a thing about them being in sauces... so, tonight... the moon takes an excavation with spiral pasta, exposing edam cheese and sliced mushrooms in a tomato! (We're watching ET on DVD too, so "the moon man" would approve. Thanks Charlie and Lola.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Oh look, there's children over there...

Oh look, there's children over there, can we chop them up and have them for breakfast?
Oh yes indeed, there are actually two doozies today, hard to choose... the other cannibalistic dinger from our delightful 4 year old was (when eating noodles at dinner time)..."is there any baby skin in these daddy?"... Now, I think the watching of the BFG and Poppy's penchant for baddies might have culminated in these quotes... I am slightly settled by Gabi's assurance that "Real psychos keep that stuff to themselves"... fewee!

Thursday, 14 October 2010

This is the best class ever...

This is the best class ever, I don't want it to finish!
Gabi and I had the pleasure of running a mask making workshop for danceLive, in line with Gabi's images she was commissioned to produce for the "Games for Scotland" (Aberdeen). We didn't have many kids attend sadly, but the ones that did come, were brilliant and loved every minute of it. We even had Poppy with us, and she made a few new friends! (in the cardboard fort and outside!). Young Amy gave us the Quote for the day, as she made a dragon mask, fake flames on a stick, and some double sided fire bugs to boot! ace fun.

I was also lucky enough to host a CCS networking night in cityMoves too, where Andrew Dixon (head of Creative Scotland), Professor Paul Harris (Head of Gray's) and Ian Spink (choreographer) gave us an interesting night of talks and performances... thanks to everyone that came

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

I love my...

I love my edamame beans!
first visit to the Aberdeen wagamama. Delicious, but boy oh boy, what a wait. Seem the staff are still getting to grips with everything. 10 min wait to get seated (heaps of seats free) ages for our order to get taken, staggered service of food ( after being told that a veggie katsu was chicken katsu... Trust me, we know!) so - delicious, but perhaps a wee bit of time is needed for them to hone their service ... I'm not usually picky when it comes to service, but I'm so used to wagamama being so efficient and seemless my expectations were tainted.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Look Mummy! daddy is on...

Look Mummy! daddy is on the Telly!
Am I?! was I?!.. no, that'll be some handsome, young bearded dude on channel 4's debate about student fees....MUMMMMMMMYYYYYYY?! I've some questions!.... he he

Monday, 11 October 2010

If you swallow macaroni down the wrong pipe...

If you swallow macaroni down the wrong pipe, don't worry Poppy, you can still breathe if it goes in long ways.
this was preceded with "ooh! I've swallowed a macaroni down the wrong pipe!" after noming into a nice macaroni pie from the bakers, on our way to Claypots today. I think this works for any hollow food stuffs... the downside? your breath then smells of said food stuff for 4 days, until the food turns into CO2. Or a burp.... which is smelly CO2.

I think she dislodged it with some moshing, so that's OK.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Ooh! My sandwich has...

Ooh! My sandwich has blood, guts, eyes and... And... Dust in it!
grimmmmm! There's a mix of horror, realism, Hugh fernley whittingstall and Phillip Pullman in Poppy's odd observation about her salmon sandwich today... Worried? Me?.... Call the poooooliiiiiceeeee... A rubber nipple salesman once heard.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Well, that's the...

Well, that's the end of that then!
Today, is the last day of our holiday in Skye. It's been a doozie, and to top it off, amazing weather, clear blue skies, 17-19 degrees (according to the car thermometer). What a beautiful drive back through the 5 sisters and up Loch Ness. We stop at the well visited pull in, and my goodness! what did we see?!...

We stop in past Supergran & Supergranddad's place in Lossiemouth on the way back, which was a welcome break from the drive... back home to dank, drizzly Inverurie, at least we hear the amazing news that Hannah Miley wins gold for Scotland in the swimming... she's fae Inverurie, divvent yeh kain?!

Friday, 8 October 2010

They're coming out the ground...

They're coming out the ground like tatties!
It's the lowest tide of the month today (in Ord, Skye) - and the coral island is even more accessible, but we see a sand spit being exposed, with hundreds of "spooties" scooting water into the air. I start digging (a futile exercise in getting a razor clam from above)... but, I start to uncover heaps of clams - amazing sized clams, the size of Poppy's fist... I'm scooping sand siddeways, and found three razor clams this way! Needless to say, I pigged out, and took about 2kgs of Clams (hardly a dent in the 3 small patches I dug up)... what a score! So, I've put them in a bucket of clean sea water, and they are happily spitting out the grit... I did snaffle a few for tea, a smidge gritty, but boy oh boy were they tasty.

garlic, onions, chilli, olive oil, S&P, oregano, tomato puree, pasata, spaghetti, a hillock of free clams from Ord. NOM NOM.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

yay! we made it...

yay! we made it to the coral island!
What an adventure! Super low tide today, and the coral island in Loch Eishord is tantalisingly accessible... we take our socks and shoes off and take the plodge. Ooya! word of advice, if you are going to go for a plodge in October Skye sea water, and the base is broken shells and coral...try not to go for a plodge!

Managed to snag a bag of winkles and mussels on the way back - some dooooozies.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

I don't like...

I don't like the winkle's stained glass windows
Oh, the joys of living on a beach, free food! I collected a few winkles from the rock pools, when the tide is well out, all the big ones like to hang around there, It's a bonanza! Taking them back to the Chalet to boil up for a wee snack (and removing the two hermit crabs that I accidentally scooped up for the ride), I boil them with some garlic... so simple, so tasty.. one of the by-products of a winkle-fest, are the little flaps they have to seal in the water when the tide goes out, poppy, seemed to think they were stained glass windows. I just hope the snails "saw the light" just before I dropped them into boiling water... must have stolen from star fish, or cheated on their wife with a rag worm...sinners!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

no Ballan...

no Ballan Poppy! no Ballan Fin!
we've had a lovely evening at Duncan & Lisa's place, with Fin and Callen.. the usual "kids meeting and being all quiet, sizing each other up" 10 mins happens, after that, balls, socks, toys, cups are being thrown (ballen) everywhere! ace fun... 9.30 when we leave, nearly everyone is asleep...adults included! ah, the short, but long windy (crazy) drive home from Achnacloich to Ord... fun in the dark, for sure.

Monday, 4 October 2010

we've run out of presents...

we've run out of presents, we'll have to go buy more!
Today, Poppy is 4. Having a hillock of presents when you are young, seems to be a given (Gabi and her charity shop till you drop 'knack'). Anyway, after opening what seemed like a library, DVD store and Clothes Boutique... it's the end!.... or is it! (I'm sure with Super-Gran's cheque, this wish will be fulfilled.

Today, we headed up to Dunvegan Castle with Ailsa, fit a fine day! lucky that only when we're in the car and heading home, did the weather turn crazy...

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Am I really an...

Am I really an explorer daddy?
We went further on foot today, over the hills and far away... to a secret beach north of Ord, Skye. It's a beautiful, tranquil spot, watching the tide come in, checking out the rock pools etc. Supposedly, it's meant to be raining or at least a bit "on and offable"... more of this please if it is then!

Poppy did superbly well, she'd walked about 2 miles over rocks and hills, through birch forests and boggy groves... I'm going to make a flotsam medal for birthday girl tomorrow!

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Rock hopper...

Rock hopper Popper
first full day in Skye, amazing , blustery but sunny and fantastic. Poppy is all over the rocks on the beach, loving it! Only down side, not one single bite or catch fishing today... Stll enjoyed watching the wildlife like cormorants, white throated divers, diving ducks, gannets, sea otters, seals... Nabbed some chanterelles from the woods today too. I could get used to this.

Friday, 1 October 2010

To get to Skye...

To get to Skye, you need to bounce over on some clouds!
Poppy is wondering how long it takes to get to Skye... well, it depends where you start from, how many breaks... I digress... the real question is "how do you get there". We are passing the 5 sisters today, and they are amazing, bleak, outstretched and cloud capped... we (Gabi, Ailsa and I) start to tell poppy that you can bounce on clouds to get there... when we get to the skye bridge, it's cloud engulfed... perfect.

this ain't my photo (below)... but it is beautiful...