Friday, 29 October 2010

Seems the world kicks art in the nuts...

Seems the world kicks art in the nuts, when the need it the most
Just found out today that the fantastic "Roxy Art House" in Edinburgh closed its doors after only 10 months... a little cultural cog in a big machine that's been "expended" due to ... once again... bloody money. When "money" is being cut left right and centre, from the people that need financial "assistance" the most, we watch and stand agog, as banks get millions (billions?) in bailouts, phone companies get let of with billion pound tax bills... apparently "we need these institutions to retain and generate wealth in the UK"... how does that work? they take all the money, find clever ways of not paying tax, charge us through the nose... What would it be like in a country that didn't think money was the most important thing to strive for in life? I've been chatting with a friend whom has just come back from West Africa, she met heaps of "poor" locals but were entirely happy with their lives, perhaps we all just need a little bit of sun, some white sands and delicious local, fresh food to keep us "happy" ? (Keep dreaming? I will, thanks).

1 comment:

  1. Maybe its time to drop out of the rat race. Any uninhabited islands out there that no country has claimed? Get the dinghy out...I'll paddle.
