Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Monday, 30 August 2010
I've built myself a...
I've built myself a tree house!
Claypots entertainment... our illustrious and inventive (yes yes, I gush) nearly 4 year old is so bored wathcing us paint a fence, she starts to pull all the chords, strings and seatbelts together in the car, tying everything together (like a mad climbing wall / spiders web)... somehow, she's managed to unclip the booster seat, and hang it out the side of the car, attached by some crazy "no knot"... "look at me! look at me!"... wow... it's holding! "it's really stron...." boing! splat!... Boo hoooo... oh... back to the drawing board then!Sunday, 29 August 2010
Can I just have...
Can I just have my favourite song on just one more time...please?
Poppy's got a favourite new tune, it's the taken by Trees song "Day by Day" from the album "east of Eden"... we've heard it 8 times today...Saturday, 28 August 2010
No! I'm too tired...
No! I'm too tired for your sillyness daddy
aye, a late night last night (9pm?!) and a great birthday party (hello daisy and lins) poppy decides that she's had enough for a day... Well from me, that is.Friday, 27 August 2010
Scaramusche! Spiritus!...
Scaramusche! Spiritus! Smelly tushe!
ooh! Poppy wa doing a possesed kid impersonation tonight...so I pope up with the exorcist tune... And poppy finishes the 'rhym' ... At dinner. With granny and grandad there... Ooops!Thursday, 26 August 2010
I am a baby troll...
I am a baby troll and daddy Trolls do not snuffle baby trolls
Bah! I think the "there's an X on Snuffling" has been superseded... mwoooo ha ha ha... the neck on my baby troll is soooo snuffleable....
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Don't put juice in my beer...
Don't put juice in my beer, it'll explode!
"will it blow up the glass?" "yes, and then the house, then the street, then Inverurie, then Aberdeen, then Grampian, then Scotland, then Britain, then Europe, then THE WORLD!" "will my toys and books be OK?" "NO - THEY WILL EXPLODE TOO"... "ok, I won't put juice in your beer"... "thanks, disaster avoided".Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Hey Gabi! I just...
Hey Gabi! I just pissed in a flower!
We popped into Dobbie's new garden centre on the Lang Stracht today... nice place! it's pretty top notch, and pretty busy to boot! (for a Tuesday afternoon!)... anyway, poppd in for a pee...and my goodness, the bogs are cool. Works of art... duchamp would be spinning in his grave! I wonder what Georgia O'Keefe would think?Monday, 23 August 2010
There are so many!...
There are so many! it's like a jungle in my hand!
What could Poppy be on about? insects? grass seeds? Vines?... nope! DVDs ! Pish day outside = TV time... apres painting / craft / baking (yeah yeah, we live the goode life)... honest.* Photo not from today... that's poppy at the age of 2...and a bit.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Happy Birthday mummy, here's your card...
Happy Birthday mummy, here's your card, you can throw it out when it's not your birthday!
Well, that's certainly a way to start a "happy " birthday! he he... "but I want to keep it poppy, it's beautiful!" "well, you can throw it out when you are an old lady"... he he... nice.Saturday, 21 August 2010
Yes gabi, that's a photo...
Yes gabi, that's a photo of the small world inside my pocket!
I'd discovered that my phone had not been locked, and was doing a bit of cocksurfing (it went online! as opposed to cockdialing)... I then took some photos (with no flash) of the Lovely candle lit UTG event last night (fantastic night!) - gabi then said "did it take photos in your pocket too?" (not knowing I'd taken them)... indeed, it appears that there's a candle lit vigil going on in my pocket too!
Friday, 20 August 2010
Oh my! they used...
Oh my! they used HUGTIGHT on them!
We tried a spot of "the twits" on Poppy... and she loved it.. it's amazing to see a kid "hide" from the bad bits of a book... then shreik with joy when it turns out OK... amazing, what's going on in that wee noodle.Thursday, 19 August 2010
I'm not a chicken any more...
I'm not a chicken any more, I'm a lion!
Poppy started back at pre-school today, hooking up with the homies after chillaxin' over the "summer". Anyway, last year, she had a hen on her badge... but not this year, oh no!Wednesday, 18 August 2010
I love plastering...
I love plastering the ceiling, well, no, I don't actually
Seriously difficult job... and I'm probably doing it wrong... but, when the sitting room roof peels off because of old water damage (we hope is now fixed, thanks to the joiners sorting out the abysmal dorma windows upstairs) I've got to sort it out... nae money left to pay for a professional to do it (well, and in minutes). I sanded some old bits I did two days ago... it's looking OK...better than Mr Smith's DIY disasters sprinkled around the place.Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Ooh! I just bashed...
Ooh! I just bashed my belly bone!
The feral child is rolling in the dust... a temporary "slide" (read - pile of underlay) is keeping the feral child happy... even when a mysterious body part is knocked. Good news is, the Carpet fitter fired on tonight, and got the master bedroom sorted...my goodness! it looks like a proper house... even sounds like one too!Monday, 16 August 2010
It was good...
It was good, but we didn't do any twirls!
Today, Gabs took Poppy to her first Ballet lesson... They apparently did soldiers - marching, saluting, gassing... errr... ok, not the last one. I came home to a chuffed looking Pops, eating her tea... "so, how did it go?" - "oh, super! We did this, and this, and that and this..." (marching and saluting and flying around the room)... but... no twirls... no twirls...Sunday, 15 August 2010
yay! she's dead...
yay! she's dead, everyone cheer!
Hmm... Psycho bishy bashy Poppy rears her head again.. seems a bit of the old ultraviolence is on... oh, the "she"... is mummy... smacked over the bonce with a 3 foot long cushion. I think I felt a few Dobbers stuffed into the end... we'll be onto pool balls next!Saturday, 14 August 2010
Thanks for coming...
thanks for coming to visit me today mummy
have we been at claypots that often and left pops at granny's place so much recently? Ok... Don't answer that one! Poor pops. It'll soon be over...Friday, 13 August 2010
Daddy, you used to live in...
Daddy, you used to live in a strange country
This one dropped in the car today, on the way to Claypots. Gabi was supposed to go to Hoodles for Aidie's 4th birthday yesterday, with Poppy of course... I'd recommended a way over the back roads, and Gabi got lost... so she'd explained to Poppy that I used to live in these strange lands... mind you, I used to think that Elgin was millions of miles from lossie when I was a kid.Thursday, 12 August 2010
Yippeee, if we go to Claypots...
Yippeee, if we go to Claypots, it will be mega fun and mess
Poppy is fidgety. We're going to Claypots - then She and Gabi are off to Hoodles for a Party... She's not eating her Cheerios... so "you won't get to go to hoodles" gets dropped. Apparently, rolling in sawdust, mud and cut grass is vastly more appealing than running around a soft play centre, with your friends.Wednesday, 11 August 2010
yes, of course I change your...
yes, of course I change your details when you are not looking
You know, when people keep telling you things you know they know are not true, it makes you wonder why someone says the things they say...Tuesday, 10 August 2010
If you eat too many black eyed peas....
If you eat too many black eyed peas, you turn into a pirate!
We have a mega salad tonight...but there's a problem! Today, Poppy doesn't like "those smelly beans"... (unlike last week)... anyway, to get her to eat them, I tempt her with the possibility she might be turned into her current favourite type of person. Fail. Ach well, there's always next week.Monday, 9 August 2010
my tomato tastes like...
my tomato tastes like headphones!
Poppy doing some cubist jazz, cut-up Burroughs-esque riffing... unless she's had a sly suck on my headphones...and the some how...taste like Tomatoes!"Do your Tomatoes taste like Headphones too?"
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Come into my...
Come into my gloomy house
We're playing in Granny and Granddad's back garden, and Poppy has decided that a shady bush is now her home. We then have....a TROLL! invade ... eeeek! it's a troll that looks lightly like granddad with a grimace! he he...
Saturday, 7 August 2010
I want to stay here...
I want to stay here, now can we go back home?
Pops stayed all day at Granny and Granddad's place today because we were working all day at Claypots... we head back to pick her up from G&G's.... seeing as we're looking to work at Claypots tomorrow too... Granny asks if Poppy wants to stay again... confusion - never.... stayed ... away .... from ... mum...n....dad....for .... more...than.....one ....night.... tzzzzkPoppy clutching the "Scone Monster"... from my Art gallery Class.
Friday, 6 August 2010
I'll give you a kiss...
I'll give you a kiss, if you promise not to eat my ice-cream
It seems that Poppy has really learnt the art of bargaining, manipulation and assertiveness... She even batted her eyelids at the waiter in Pizza Express, and got a DOUBLE bambichino... and drank half.... watch out for this on in the future boys!Thursday, 5 August 2010
It's really sad...
It's really sad when cows die, and get turned into sausages
Indeed, Poppy seems to be leaning towards the vegetarian way.... oh, what's that Poppy?... "Oh, they are delicious though, can I have another one please daddy?".... doh!Wednesday, 4 August 2010
I want a...
I want a cloned beef pasty!
What is the problem with everyone? (well...omnivores)... This rubbish story about "cloned beef" in the "food chain"... how many people actually know what they are talking about when discussing "cloning"... sadly (as always) the media has seemed to brainwash everyone into thinking "Frankenstein" (yes... his monster... yeah yeah, tell that to the morons too). Cloned doesn't mean "genetically modified" - it's not like a randy mutant bull will escape and wildly seed millions of cows, creating a possible future nightmare (unlike GM crops getting out into the wild and messing things up, that is a worry!)... It's a bunch of genes being continued...the things people should be looking at are - Animal Welfare (or good husbandry)...
"Scientists Shouldn't Mess with God's Work"... leave it. Let's not get me started on that rubbish.
Read the new scientist, it's better than the bible.
ok?...OK. As Bill Hicks would say.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Who is...
Who is Obi Wan?
After watching Star Wars with Poppy on Sunday, and guiding her through the story, as she asks questions, I think we're getting somewhere... we decided to give the Empire Strikes Back a blast, Droids, check, Luke, Check, Han, Check, Leia, Check... "who's Obi Wan? Why's he in the snow, why's he dead?".... never mind, Ewoks soon in Return of the Jedi... he he.Oh, and how clumsy, stupid and incompetent are the Empire? when you think about it... "Oops, we've landed miles away from the power station with our sneak attack, break out the slow moving AT ATs we'll go for a stroll".... "We're in our massive star destroyers, lets go chase the mellenium falcon....no! I said I would! watch out! take evasive action"... let alone Darth Employing incompetent morons that mess up every action plan he gives them...
Monday, 2 August 2010
What?! Where's my copy of...
What?! Where's my copy of Small Change Gone?!
Dang Nabbit! As I am reading the Tom Waits Biog "Low side of the Road" by Barney Hoskyns, I'm itching to listen to all the LP's as I read about their creation and recording... Over the weekend, I'd been reading about Small Change, the fantastic 1976 album and went looking for it in my cd collection... what?! where is it?! it's the only one I'm missing! (and I DID have it...) Who did I lend it to? to show the genius of "step right up"? Gahhhhh damnit! ... needless to say "Small Change + zip" worked a treat, wink wink. I've also re-purchased it on Amazon... for a paltry £3.99 - I'd advise you do the same.Sunday, 1 August 2010
How many boxes...
How many boxes can your car take?
We were at Susie Hunt's place today, for the "NEOS Catalogue pick up meeting" - great to see so many people come over and do big pick ups - taking them on to other places for others to pick up a box or two... It's a big deal, as the boxes weigh a fair weight! We've watched cars creak as 10+ boxes are loaded in... so! a massive thanks to everyone that came today, and picked up boxes, helping spread the NEOS word! now all I have to do is make some art to show in September!
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