I want a cloned beef pasty!
What is the problem with everyone? (well...omnivores)... This rubbish story about "cloned beef" in the "food chain"... how many people actually know what they are talking about when discussing "cloning"... sadly (as always) the media has seemed to brainwash everyone into thinking "Frankenstein" (yes... his monster... yeah yeah, tell that to the morons too). Cloned doesn't mean "genetically modified" - it's not like a randy mutant bull will escape and wildly seed millions of cows, creating a possible future nightmare (unlike GM crops getting out into the wild and messing things up, that is a worry!)... It's a bunch of genes being continued...the things people should be looking at are - Animal Welfare (or good husbandry)...
"Scientists Shouldn't Mess with God's Work"... leave it. Let's not get me started on that rubbish.
Read the new scientist, it's better than the bible.
ok?...OK. As Bill Hicks would say.

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