Friday, 30 April 2010
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Here's my song for you...
Here's my song for you, it's the dead Mummy song
We sadly don't think this is about dried old bodies in bandages. Perhaps it's time to stop showing Tim Burton Films to a 3 and a half year old? Poor mummy.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
I must remember
I must remember to keep posting here on a daily basis.
Seems this is the only day I forgot to post a quote. gutted.Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Oh no! it's the Salon...
Oh no! it's the Salon Shark!
Poppy had a bath tonight, and I was washing her hair (pretending to be a hairdresser, like she likes me to...errr...) and the toy shark popped up "I am going to eat your fingers" she gleefully snarls... and snaps at my fingers with it..."oh min! fit's at? oh no! it's the salon shark! I'm nae losing anither customer, kain! Ah lost three last week, and it's nae getting another patron!"... I think she'll be a good impressionist when she grows up.
Monday, 26 April 2010
Mummy, you be the police
Mummy, you be the police, I'll be the lock guard and Daddy, you be the burglar
Seems like there's been some talkin' and organising going on whilst I'm out at work... hmmm.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
I do like mr Slater...
I do like mr Slate, he's got 14 legs!
Poppy found a woodlouse today, so we had a close look at him, and ended up putting him on our hands... poppy was fascinated as we flipped him over, counting his legs... one..two..three...... thirteen... fourteen! FOURTEEN?!... wow! that's a lot of legs! - "he's a prawn's cousin, didn't you know poppy"... ah, fun with creepy crawlies.Saturday, 24 April 2010
When I ate spicy cheese...
When I ate spicy cheese, I went all dizzy!
poppy was telling granny about 'the spicy cheese' we have in our house ( strong cheddar) - we had no idea it was a hallucinagenic or stimulant!Friday, 23 April 2010
Oh wow, that dragon...
Oh wow, that dragon just jumped out at my face!
We all went to see "how to train your Dragon" today (in 3d - first experience!)... we loved it! Absolutely mesmerised by the effect! Popps was transfixed, even with her massive 3d glasses on - she did really well despite the fact they didn't sit on both her ears! The drawings at the end (and in the book in the film) are to die for... some classic 50/60's / scarfe inspired cartoon gragons... oh! just amazing. (some shmaltzy, clunky story / dialogue... but I don't care!)
Thursday, 22 April 2010
you have jelly triangles...
you have jelly triangles in the corners in your eyes Mummy!
Poppy was scrutinising Gabi's eyes today... perhaps she'll be a sweetie inspired biologist? a confectionery gene Bioinformatics Scientist ?...drtt. xcczzz....Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Stop yer greetin'...
Stop yer greetin', Dry your eyes Mummy!
He he... I've got poppy doing the rubbing the eye with a crinkling finger, whilst saying this... he he... I'm a bad dad. I did add, taht if Poppy sees me "greetin'" she can say this to me too...Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Suck up to...
Suck up to Millionaires
Some localised SNP election materials for Aberdeen, based on their "Elect a Local Champion" - must be nice to have a democracy where you can "vote" and "have a say" in how your city is shaped...Monday, 19 April 2010
You've gotta love...
You've gotta love those haters!
From the PnJ to NEOS entrants with chips on their shoulders, it's been a day of bile and froth from all sides. If only people just cared a bit more, we might just be ok. "It's always someone else's fault"... it's the new black.Sunday, 18 April 2010
I shall slice you in half...
I shall slice you in half and eat your toes
Hmm... another cartoon violence statement from sweet little poppy... perhaps this want to be a zombie is more than just banter?... I've no idea where she gets it from, unless day of the dead isn't suitable to be on the cathode nanny while I go for a walk?....
Saturday, 17 April 2010
I hate footballers...
I hate footballers in Union Terrace Gardens!
Pished ones, that blat the ball into people and pretend to be apologetic... you know, slightly wiry (they'd go off if you confronted them) and slightly drunk, because they sneak their booze in, when you aren't supposed to... I saw three people get a ball pinged off them in 1/2 an hour - perhaps concreting over it is a good idea. ho ho (kidding..KIDDING).Friday, 16 April 2010
can I go on...
can I go on your shoulders daddy?
We're walking today, mummy has the car. I need to get from the Art Gallery to Junction Art & Gifts (middle of Holbourn St.) I'll walk it... with a tired young lady...doh! my shoulders are feeling stiff already... only 3 miles.... oh, we also missed the train by...30 seconds. The lovely driver (stationary as I ran on the platform) shrugged his shoulders as he closed the doors and pulled away when I was but 20 feet away. Public transport? no thanks.Thursday, 15 April 2010
the glue is dry...
The glue is dry, lets get this sukka to the gallery
After a compromise upon compromise, I've finally finished my Aberdeen Artists entry this year... a bit contentious (not only for its subject matter, but from what it's "built" from... I don't hold up much hope for this appearing in the accepted list!... but I had fun making it.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
If you find a bubble in your pizza...
If you find a bubble in your pizza, you have to give it to the queen
... Or at least give her first refusal. It's like the sturgeon or the Italian bread based cheese / tomato / mushroom world. Well... so i told Poppy.Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Have you heard of...
Have you heard of Ninky Nonk cash?
What's Ninky Nonk cash poppy? "oh, I heard about it in my dreams"... worryign how capitalism and kids TV can shape a brain...
Monday, 12 April 2010
Look at that sausage crow...
Look at that sausage crow, crow's bodies look like sausages!
these are the observations of a three year old, I wonder if she'll influence the language Sir David Attenborough uses? Here's a video I took last year of a Crow gathering nesting materials for Gabi and I's show at Limousine Bull "Avian Constructs"...Sunday, 11 April 2010
How much for one...
How much for one rib?
holy toot! I bought a stack of ribs from Costco today...thinking it was just that... nope, this was one side of a fat pig. Slow roast, here we come! Chinese 5 spice... sugar, honey...nom nom.Saturday, 10 April 2010
that's the eggs of a...
that's the eggs of a wallpaper frog
My dad popped over to claypots to do the wallpapering today. The bucket of wallpaper paste was a bit lumpy, and I managed to convince Poppy it was the eggs of the mythical wallpaper frog... she's hoping they hatch soon, we could have some escher-esque tessolated wallpaper babies! yay!
Friday, 9 April 2010
Just kidding of course, just having to do a job culling UPPERCASE, the king of on-line shouting.Thursday, 8 April 2010
He was like a skinny Bernard Manning...
He was like a skinny Bernard Manning collecting pebbles on the beach
visiting Banff today, we took the obligatory stroll on the beach... I was confronted by a man collecting pebbles whom, out of the the blue told me a horrid racist 'joke' following up with 'don't get me wrong, pakis are great, every White man should have one'.... I was speechless!Wednesday, 7 April 2010
I don't like it when bells are broken...
I don't like it when bells are broken, I just like them tinkly
Gabi was listening to the Broken Bells in the car today, and Poppy asked what the music was... she likes the music, just not the name... it makes her sad. James, Brian, I hope you are happy.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Cheer up, could be worse...
Cheer up, could be worse, you could be the singer in the Fall
I'm watching "Control" - the film about Ian Curtis and the Joy Division... classic line from his manager after he's had an epileptic fit on stage in the USA... I do hope it's true... ho ho
Monday, 5 April 2010
That's my dongle...
That's my dongle sorted now
the hilariously named appendage I stuff in my pc to get it up online ... from virgin... Could this double entendre get any more obvius?
Sunday, 4 April 2010
It looks like the wombles are...
It looks like the wombles are heading off to the jungle!
Poppy has a Wombles bedset, and on waking this morning, she looks at the pillow (with all the wombles in a car) and seems to think that they are all questing for some Randall & Andy C...
Saturday, 3 April 2010
well you can shut up...
well you can shut up a little bit more!
The conversation preceding this was - "poppy, you've done really well today, you've coped really well with your rash and not feeling well, I just want to say that mummy and daddy love you very much" - which she rasped "Shut up!" - I then said, "oh, that's not nice, I just want you to know that I love you"... so, gushing daddy speak is off the menu from an early age are SOOOOOOO Embarrassing...Friday, 2 April 2010
is that just a toilet roll...
is that just a toilet roll fire?
Driving home from the Lynn Hynd show at project slogan, we passed the "college" pub, and they have large flames licking out of burners at the front door... Poppy's seen the Jimmy Chung "flames" and though that these were the same.... "toilet roll" flames...
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Aliens come from...
Aliens come from peas
According to poppy, staring intently at her mange tout, aliens "Eat their way around the inside, then just pop out". We all need to know of this global danger.
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